X4 Summit Keynote

Shaping Tomorrow's


For leaders dealing with a chronic trade skills deficit... and who want to solve it.

  • Invite Only, VIP Events

  • 10+ Cities

Join us to design a more intelligent future.


  • The Fundamental Problems

    • Skills Leak Doom Loop
    • 3 Dysfunctions of Craft Learning & Development (CL&D)
  • Metrics that Matter to the C-Suite

    Workshop: Top 5 Skill Development Metrics & Connected Business Results

  • An Ideal Future State

    What does an optimized recruit-ramp-retain talent lifecycle look like for a skilled workforce, with connected business results?

  • Networking Event

    Networking will differ by tour date but may include lunch, happy hour, a facility tour, and maybe even a rocket launch - as well as these demos:

    • Simulation Skill Assessments
    • 1:1 Mentorship-as-Scale with SAM (GenAI)

Tour Dates

Why Attend?

If skilled, hands-on people are mission-critical to your organization's sustainability and success...

If you are tired of experiencing and see little way out of chronic skill deficits...

And you want to lead the development of a better future in your organization.

Register Here

Entering into event

About the Tour

  • 3-hour problem-solving workshop + 1-hour networking
  • < 20 participants per tour event
  • For leaders of craft companies that employ skilled tradespeople who build, operate, and maintain our world
  • To discuss and debate the problems you experience relating to recruitment, development, measurement, and retention of craft teams and skills
  • To experience and provide feedback on learning and technology innovations that will bridge the gap to a Skills Intelligence future
  • 10+ tour events in 10+ cities hosted at ITI customer and partner locations